iv’s carrd ! 𖤐

iv !

02, she/they, lesbian, peruvian, eng/esp, user txtbsdian enthusiast

byf ! i hold my favs accountable for their actions and call them out. lmk if you need me to tw/cw anything! english is not my first language. i swear a lot and use caps a lot. i spam tweet / delete tweets. i make kms jokes. i follow selectively and don’t fb anyone under 18. softblock to break the mutual.
dni/dfi ! under 18. fit basic dni criteria. you support bi/pan lesbians / are anti hesbian/theysbian/ xenogenders. edtwt, shtwt. ot7, ot9, kwj supporter. you clear the word gay from searches. skz anti / akgae of any of the members.

please tag!
self harm
eating disorders

ults of ults!
stray kids ot8
taylor swift
dpr ian